Are You Using the Right Type of Contact Lens Solution?
Your contact lens solution might be harming your eyes! Learn how to pick the best quality solution to protect your contacts and eyes.
Your Eye Exam – Did You Feel Informed About The Results?
During your eye exam, did your family eye doctor speak to you in complicated medical terms which you just didn’t understand?
Smoking is Harming Your Eyesight – It’s Time to Quit
Did you know smoking is harming your eyes and can lead to blindness!
8 Terrible Side Effects from Wearing Contacts Too Long
Leaving contacts in for too long is called ‘overwear’ and sleeping in them is unsafe. Contact lenses are simply not designed to withstand either of these negligent practices.
Why Does My Optometrist Dilate My Eyes?
Dilating eye drops are used by your optometrist so they can see the back of the eye and possibly uncover eye-threatening diseases.
Tears Can Tell Their Own Story
Tears are complex, they flow when we are happy, sad, excited, mad, confused, and for so many other feelings.
A Good Reason NOT to Ignore Eye Pain
Often patients experiencing eye pain seek out their family eye doctor, because eye pain could be a sign that something is seriously wrong.
Critical First Aid Care for Eye Injuries
In those precious seconds after some sort of eye ‘incident’, the choices you make could just save your eyesight.
Eye Tattoos, it’s a Real Thing!
Eye Tattoos, it’s a Real Thing! The first thing that I felt when I read the words ‘eye tattoos’ was a shiver down my spine!
Let us help you
Schedule your eye care appointment today and experience the difference of personalized, comprehensive eye care.